'We're changing things up. Something big is coming this summer and ready to stay for the future of Bellisa X. Introducing our new concept: Bellisa X Dolls.
Before we delve into an explanation of the important ‘whys’ here is the long story short with the ‘what’:
We want to challenge everything that is ‘fashion’ by replacing made-to-order seasonal collections with more frequent smaller limited edition pre-made /pre-order drops with each collection in collaboration with a ‘Doll.’
Who and what is a Bellisa X Doll?
In this case, a BX doll is a real person whom is unapologetically themselves and dresses to express this. If you’re reading this and support Bellisa X then all this applies to you, you could be one of the future dolls! (Although tbh if you’ve bought from us before then you are already one as essiently you’re already repping your own collection!)
The concept of ‘Bellisa X Dolls’ eliminates the invisible wall between us, the brand and you, and allows us to connect with customers/ supporters on a whole new level. We see you. The more we get to know you via orders, interactions, pics you tag us in etc then we learn more about you – your support does not go unnoticed! We want to involve you with the continuous future of BX by simply being your authentic self. Which is exactly what BX stands for: clothing with personality.

Bellisa X is not a ‘fashion brand.’ We don’t churn out clothes in-keeping with trends. We want to make clothes with you, inspired by all of you and for you. This means your pieces are timeless and therefore anything but the devil that is ‘fast-fashion.’ We think the concept of ‘fashion’ is so dead and want to support the movement of breathing life, individuality and personality back into clothing to make you feel good, for being you. Also, to provide a platform where you can support and inspire each other*. Bellisa X is essiently the middle woman, we’re stepping back and letting you run the show with our help. This is YOUR brand!
** Without realising you all creatively inspire each other already. i.e when we re-post pics of YOUR CYO designs this is always followed by responses from each other. This is something that’s always been happening and is at the heart of how we operate. Hence why we want to just elevate this as much as possible!
Our promise is to bring you clothing that you can’t find anywhere else. You can rely on us for exclusive limited edition garms, a platform for you to customise (CYO) and a continuous celebration together of everyone’s different styles.
This isn’t all. We further want to challenge the concept of a ‘collection.’
Basic Definition :
A fashion collection is a selection of outfits and individual garments that fashion designers put together every season and that reflect predictions of upcoming trends, including color, cut, line and proportion.
A 'Fashion collection' is just not what we are about. Shouldn’t a collection actually be ‘collectable’? When you collect something, you treasure it. So why with ‘fashion collections’ do we see them mass-produced and maybe even worn once before being discarded? We believe a collection should actually be ‘collectable’ in a seemingly ironic way to combat fast-fashion, with items being special to you. We see how much PRIDE you take in wearing your personal collections of BX garms and we want to commemorate this.
Bellisa X Doll collections will be handmade in our UK based studio in very limited runs to ensure its rarity. But, we’re not stopping there…. Introducing the ‘Bellisa X Doll Cardz.’ Aka our version of top trumps. Every order from a specific doll collection will come with a collectable ‘ Doll Cardz.’ The idea is that between you and your friends you will eventually have a game to play, trade and collect which will always be continually evolving. (There will also probably be lots of rewards for what you’ve collected along the way and obvs your loyalty.) YAY!
We also want to eradicate the concept of ‘seasonal collections.’ I’ve always wondered why we’ve conformed to this, so its’ goodbye to the SS’s and AW’s because let’s face it rave and street-wear is pretty much the same all year round.
So we have the main concept and the why’s explained. But what can you expect to see?
Bellisa X was born from an attitude of anything and everything goes if it makes you feel good wearing it, which is why we don’t want to single ourselves into a ‘fashion stereo-type’ box... Having said that, ‘Rave’ and ‘ Street-wear’ is a culture itself but within this there are sooooo many different sub-cultures that have their own unique vibe.
Moreover, we want to recognise your different expressions of style mixed in with Bellisa X to really blur these boundaries. By introducing a diverse range of ‘Dolls’ you can pick and choose who you relate to, if not all! For example, my personal style is just whatever I’m feeling or a phase I’m going through. One day I may be feeling boujee and therefore feel like showing this wearing Doll A’s collection, and then next day I’m feeling grungier like Doll B and then next week I’m all about the glitz and glamour from Doll C. (The Dolls obvs have real names.) Bellisa X Dolls will be a continuously evolving concept introducing both new ‘Dolls’ and bringing back the OG’s with new collections as we grow into a collective of collectable collections.
Hopefully not mega confusing but it should all make a lot of sense very soon with the release of our first Bellisa X DOLLS’ collection. Which leads us to the last main question: WHO are the Dolls? And HOW do you become one?
We are currently working with the first 6 DOLLS but have also mentally planned about 10 more collections and themed ideas of who to work with. Rest-assured at some point we will probably open this up to for anyone to directly apply - but in the meantime if you want to be a DOLL then the best thing to do is to carry on being you and showing your support so we get to know who and what you’re all about!
Bellisa X **** launching 30.07.2020. Stay locked into our socials to find out who we’ve collaborated with….B X
P.S ‘Create Your Own’ is still staying the same! Bellisa X Dolls is along side ✨