#2 Solitude: Your Story Starts Here

#2 Solitude: Your Story Starts Here

I want to start by thanking you for connecting with me, B, as together we delve under the first layer of the new collection concept: ‘Artist of Life.’
With the presence of social media so heavily embedded in our lives, often we catch ourselves too busy watching other people building their dreams, that we forget how to focus on our own. Guilty. I procrastinate with ‘doom-scrolling’ under the illusion of ‘inspiration-seeking’; when really it’s just a distraction pulling my attention away from actually doing the meaningful actions that will bring my ambitions to life.
Which is why I’ve consciously always tried to keep Bellisa X out of this trap, by founding a community beyond the screens that encourages living authentically through self-expression. So, I’m thanking you for continuing this journey into a yet another explorative era… 
Let’s erase the need to ‘catch’ ourselves so that we can re-define it with inspiring, finding and applying ourselves. But how do we start? 

Within. In the silence of ‘Solitude:’ finding inner peace while being alone. 
About a year ago, in a moment of mayhem I decided to lock myself in the darkness of my old studio solely illuminated with my galaxy light and the surround sound of beta waves. Phone set to airplane mode, I sat on the table and spent 5 hours brainstorming the e n t i r e contents of my brain onto paper. 20 pages taped together later, feeling somewhat exhausted yet exhilarated. 

I stared at every idea, worry, like, dislike, question and dream laid out there right in front of me. To mentally bare myself like this, felt 100x more exposing than being physically naked. 
I can confirm it’s locked away somewhere so safe, I don’t even remember where it is... 

It's a real challenge, but so therapeutic. If your mind feels overwhelmingly busy with thoughts (good or bad,) or perhaps you feel somewhat lost within yourself and are seeking direction: I’d highly recommend giving the mega brainstorm a go. Once you start, it’s hard to stop. 
Honestly, I probably could have continued writing forever, the only thing that finished me was the pain in my wrist and hunger in my belly. 
This moment of Solitude gives you space to explore your ideas without judgement, confront your fears, discover new parts of your mind and forces you admit the things to yourself you’ve been ignoring. 
So this is why our story starts here, the Artist of Life begins with you getting to know yourself. How can you create your dream life, if you don’t know who you are, what you want or what’s holding you back?

I guess this is where the cactus theme comes into play. A symbol of solitude. There is something so peaceful about the assured self-reliance of the cactus. Standing alone in the desert, resilient to the harsh and unpredictable weather conditions; they’ve evolved to remain firmly rooted into the ground, gathering, storing and releasing their core energy in blissful solitude… a cactus knows it’s capabilities. 
Okay, so in recap. Let’s assume in becoming the artists of our lives, we’ve started exploring ourselves, gathered ideas and sparked a lil bit of inspiration as to where we want to go….  So why do we struggle so much in taking the first step? 
Cue the ‘Blank Canvas.’ PT 2: We’ve sketched ideas, now it’s time to make your first mark
P.S if you try the mega brainstorm, pls drop a comment below lemme know how it goes

Explore the full collection here: Artist of Life


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