#3 Blank Canvas: Does it intimidate or excite you?

Theres 2 types of people in this world. Some of us will leap in excitement of the infinite possibilities to create from a clean slate; whereas the rest of us will recoil in fear of imperfection to even start
For those that are bold enough to make that first move and explore where a blank canvas takes us beyond the invisible boundary of our comfort zones: you’ll be gifted with the joy in discovering the capabilities of your mind.
Whether that’s putting pen to paper, booking your dream trip, trying out that new hobby you’ve always wanted to do, or simply sitting in silence with yourself. We are the artists of our lives, and it’s up to us to direct where we go and who we become.
I have a saying that pushes away the little niggling voice of self-doubt when it comes creeping in my head...
Because often or not, the hardest thing is just getting started. Trying doesn’t need to be perfection nor do we need to declare our every move to the world. The truest validation we will get is from ourselves, knowing that we had the courage to give that one thing we’ve always wanted to do a go.
That first mark, will be the catalyst to sparking your momentum to keep going. One idea leads to another, just like opening one door unlocks the next. By nottrying with that first stroke on the canvas, you’re robbing yourself of building the dream life you deserve.
For example, I put off writing this letter for weeks as I wasn’t sure how to open it. So instead I just started typing out the contents of my brain until the words started effortlessly flowing. I then cut up the content and collaged the paragraphs on this blank page until it made sense.
From pocket cuties to fluffy whoppers: I keep a variety of notebooks to collectively hold my brainstorms. The paper is always lined, because I too find a blank page a lil too overwhelming for the issue of having too many ideas and not knowing where to start. So naturally, I prefer to work between the lines and use them as invitations to write without judgement.
Whether you’re creating an artistic master-piece or navigating your life- it doesn’t need to be perfect from the get-go to make it happen....
And you know what? If it’s not working out, you can absolutely start again.Much like I have done repeatedly over the last 10 years of Bellisa X: pause and re-direct. Life is trial and error until something sticks, and even when it does stick we need to consistently evolve so that it doesn’t dry up.
Every day blesses us with a new blank canvas of opportunity. It’s up to us to seize it.
Pick up your marker, define your first move and let the CREATiVE CHAOS commence… PT.3 up next.