Top 5 Brands For Re-Work Sewing Inspiration

Top 5 Brands For Re-Work Sewing Inspiration

Do you have a bag of old clothes that you can’t seem to sell on, take up much-need bedroom space AND you don’t know what to do with them? You know chucking them away would be criminal, but you could really do with that corner of your room back. YEP, us too.

The best part about learning how to sew, is that you can experiment with up-cycling old clothes and weave new life into them. You could use the clothes to practise sewing, re-use the fabrics OR to spark creative ideas to re-purpose the designs into new garments to wear.

It can be difficult to imagine a new design when you’re looking at a garment you no longer like, which is why we’ve put together this blog. Below we’ve showcased our top 5 re-work clothing brands to ignite your creative inspiration.

Let’s turn our rags into riches and de-clutter our wardrobe!

1. Bees Knees Apparel

Bee shows us how you can rework adidas into new looks such as dresses and tops.

2. Sarah O Robinson

Got an old school blazer? Sarah crafts the most original designs from tailored items.

3. Tomme Studio

Uses creative innovation to create really unique accessories out of basketballs. What household items could you turn into a bag?

4. Seeing Red

An amazing example of re-work different garments into one and forming really unique new shapes.

5. 111.Threads

A fun way to upcycle cute lil tops and add artwork

Feel free to share any more re-work brand recommendations in the comments below.


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